Jesuit Church in Luzern    

Luzern Church Ceiling...

The Boat from Luzern to Brunnen    Gersau...

    Our Hotel from the Lake...

The Hotel Dock for Brunnen

The View from the Waldstaterhof Hotel Window...

The Hotel's Garden Patio...

A sailboat on the lake...

The Rigi Mountain Railway

Pauine, Pam & Dan on the Mt. Rigi Railway...    A marching band performing on the train...

Band Playing at the top of Mt. Rigi

Doug & Dan and the Rigi Bahn (railway)

Pauline's Mountain Hiking gear...    What's wrong with these shoes???

A Swiss Hiker...

Doug, Pam, & Dan at the top of Mt. Rigi

Another view from Mt. Rigi

Pauline & Doug at the top of Mt. Rigi...    Another Picture at the top of Rigi anyone?

Hi Mom!