Alice keeps warm...    Pauline and Pam opening prezzies

Randy investigates a small package

Randy's Favourite Vehicle...    Dan Approves of Randy's Choice

A rare sighting of the Colonel in a party hat!    Pauline gets Crayons!

Mom shares her joke...

The Table is set...

And the Stockings were hung...

Jennay makes a reach for Nicholas' Train...    Dave's surprise...

Nicholas prepares the Train Tracks

Jennay enjoys the wrapping paper Bears    Dad, Jennay, and Thomas (the train book)

Jennay's new baby...    Nicholas test drives a cement mixer

Steve and Caren recover from Christmas

Jennay is suspicious of these Christmas Crackers    Nicholas and Steve Crack one open...

Nicholas: There's no crackers in here...    Jennay inspects her prize...

Nicholas prepares the desert...